This plague on the modern West is attributable to an entrenchment of the middle ground and a toleration of everything, except, that is, of the very nations which allowed it to manifest in the first place. In Western Europe and North America passionate allegiances and ideological views are seen as strange or perverse by the metropolitan liberal elites.

This state of affairs has opened the door to extremism from without which has entered and festered erupting into terrorism. The response always being let’s keep calm and sing ‘Imagine’, a fear to intervene and speak out with the main stream media such as the BBC and CNN assuring us that it is all the work of ‘mad, insane lone wolves’ who have little to do with Islam; try and count the amount of times that imbecile David Cameron uttered the sentence ‘Islam is a religion of peace.’

In today’s academia the terror of saying ‘I was right’ or ‘I disagree’ has led to a generation of dullard under graduates and graduated professionals who think going with the flow of cultural Marxism is in some way virtuous. Even one of our princes has virtue signalled by marrying a ‘woman of colour’. With neither ideas nor originality the current metropolitan elite are bereft of humanity. Liberalism in its current form is anti-human, destroying the soul and any notion of a belief system which deviates from political correctness. Everything is tolerated because everything is correct in some way, the deviation being white, patriotic, heterosexual, working class males.

Categories: As we see it

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